B-24 photo illustrating how closely they flew in formation.
The Bartusch Crew–483rd Bomb Group, 817th Squadron Patch
The Bartusch Crew Top–Jene Hirschfield, Larry Rosenthal, Robert Bartusch. Bottom–Carl Bush, Raymond Klapp, Cletus Kramer, McFadden, Robert Steele, Zack Johnson
The Bartusch Crew–Lt. Robert (Larry) Seymour
The Blank Crew–451st Bomb Group, 727 Squadron patch
The Blank Crew–Lt. Harry Blank (pilot) standing in garrison cap, William Ceely (tail gunner) holding dog
The Blank Crew–Lt. Harry Blank
The Blank Crew–Sgt. Richard Kelly
The Blank Crew–Gunner Dick Kelly at the waist gun
The Blank crew–Sgt. William Ceely, tail gunner
The Blank crew–the 451st Bomb Group in flight
The Blank crew–Gold sovereign given to Lt. Harry Blank by General Mihailovic
The Blood Crew–485th Bomb Group, 831st Bomb Squadron Patch
The Blood crew, Lt. David Blood, pilot
The Blood crew–Lt. Lewis Baker, copilot
The Blood Crew–Lt. David Blood, pilot, at briefing behind projector
The Blood crew–Hell’s Angel, Blood’s aircraft. Sgt. Fred Scherer, 2nd from left
The Blood Crew–Sgt. Fred Scherer, flight engineer
The Blood Crew–Dr. James Johnson, flight surgeon
The Blood Crew–Sgt. Thomas Tamraz, upper turret gunner
The Blood Crew–Sgt. Warren LaFrance, tail gunner
The Blood Crew–S/Sgt. Robert Kolvet, nose gunner
The Blood crew–Captain Johnson poses in Hell’s Angel before its final flight
The Blood crew–after being shot down, Sgt. Michael Yaworsky (2nd from left) and FO Gene Cogburn (center, supported by women), with Yugoslavs and Partisans
The Coe Crew–459th Bomb Group, 759th Squadron emblem
The Coe crew–original members. Top row, Jules Levine, Henry Wunderlich, John Mulvaney, Mullins, Reinstein. Bottom: Kenneth “Dale” Hoffman, Fred Coe, Parker
The Coe Crew–Lt. Frederick Coe
The Coe Crew–Lt. Edward F. Kutch, navigator
The Coe Crew–Lt. Sylvester Brown Jr., bombardier
The Coe Crew–center, Cpl. John “Jack” Mulvaney, flight engineer, before entering the service
The Coe Crew–Sgt. Joe Foto, waist gunner/aerial photographer
The Dean crew–484th Bomb Group insignia
The Dean Crew: Standing–Eldon Fetter, Frank Kidd, Ernest Peterson, Emil Horak, Edward Atkinson, Harry Hoogeveen. Sitting: Bernard Button, Robert Dean, Jimmie Ingram, Clarence Byers
The Dean Crew–Lts. Bernard Button, Clarence Byers, Robert Dean on leave in Rome, October 1944
The Dean Crew–Sgt. Emil Horak, radio operator/gunner
The Dean Crew–Emil Horak writes home
The Dean Crew–Sgt. Harry Hoogeveen, ball turret gunner
The Dean Crew–Lt. Bernard Button and Sgt. Ernest Peterson. Sanski Most Partisan Commandant Despot Dusan on right.with the Partisans
The Eatman Crew–465th BG, 782nd Squadron Emblem
The Eatman Crew–464th and 465th Bomb Group base layout
The Eatman Crew–Lt. Curtis Eatman, pilot
The Eatman Crew–Top row: William Magee, bombardier; William Evans, navigator: Charles Haynes, copilot; Curtis Eatman, pilot. Bottom row: Andrew Jay, Edward Hahn, Lamont Pakes, James Powell, Joe Dearman, Harold Wamser
The Eatman Crew–Lt. Charles Haynes, copilot
The Eatman Crew–F/O William Everett Evans, navigator
The Eatman Crew–Sgt Andrew Jay IV, tail gunner
The Eldridge Crew–456th Bomb Group, 474 Squadron
The Eldgridge Crew: Top–Robert Mann, Archie Roper, Hixon Eldridge. William Clark. Bottom–Womak, Joseph Colasente, Red Braun, Vic Melcher, Gus Perrone
The Eldridge Crew: Lt. Archie Roper, copilot, and Lt. William Clark, bombardier
The Eldridge Crew–F/O Conrad Teague
The Eldridge Crew–Robert Mann and Gus Perrone
The Keiser Crew–301st Bomb Group, 353rd Squadron Patch
The Keiser Crew: Ted Keiser, Edmund Charlesworth, Russell Rose, Michael Mavroidis (KIA), James Martin, Mario Spaltro, Gordon Paul Hoffman,
The Keiser Crew–Lt. Ted Keiser, pilot
The Keiser Crew–Lt. Robert Griffith, co-pilot
The Keiser Crew–Richard “Ken” Wheeler, navigator
The Keiser Crew–Sgt. Edmund Charlesworth, flight engineer
The Keiser Crew–Ted Keiser receives his DFC
The Keiser Crew after bailing out–Top: Paul Hoffman, Wesley Chester, James Martin, Ken Wheeler; Bottom: Edmund Charlesworth, Tex Riley and Mario Spaltro.
The Keiser crew–Mario Spaltro and Ken Wheeler crack walnuts after bailout
The Keiser Crew–OSS agent Branco Stipanovic, a native Montenegrin, who guided much of the crew from Lovinic to Split in Yugoslavia
The Keiser Crew–Ted Keiser and Ken Wheeler at dinner in Rome after rescue
The Keiser Crew–F/O Stanley Schwartz, bombardier, wedding photo
The Keiser Crew–Ted Keiser, wife Ann, and son Tad
The Marrone Crew–449th Bomb Group, 716th Squadron patch
The Marrone crew: Standing–Raymond Seery, James Stevenson, Albert Topal, Gene Dennis, George Earll, Gregg Cloos. Sitting–Allen Goodling, James King, Herman Marrone
The Marrone Crew–Lt. Herman Marrone, pilot
The Marrone Crew: Sgt. George Earll, radio operator/gunner
The Marshall Crew–461st Bomb Group Emblem
The Marshall Crew–Lt. Clarence Marshall, pilot
The Marshall Crew–Lt. Calvin Jarnagin, copilot
The Marshall Crew–Lt. Frank Dick, navigator
The Marshall Crew–navigator Frank Dick in training
The Marshall crew–Lt. Leroy Nayes, bombardier
The Marshall Crew–Sgt. Albert Hill, tail gunner
The Marshall Crew gunners–from top, Gordon Commander (KIA), Mike DeRosa (KIA), Calvin Steinberg (POW), Norman Baker (not on plane when it went down), Gus Sundquist (KIA)
The Marshal Crew–Sgt. Albert Hill in Italy
The Marshall Crew–Sgts. J. Martin, Jan Wroclawski, and Albert Hill
The Marshall Crew–Martino, on right, receives congratulations for Purple Heart
The Marshall Crew–Wroclawski during training
OSS agent Lt. (jg) Timothy Pfeiffer, who helped evadees in the port of Split, in uniform
OSS agents: Standing-Henry Lichtenberger, Temple Fielding, Col. Ellery Huntington, Alex Vuchinich. Crouching-Lt (jg) Timothy Pfeiffer, Maj. Stanford Reident, with Marshal Tito during mission to Vis in August 1944
The POWs–Col. Hubert Zemke, Allied commander, Stalag Luft I
The POWs–Sgt. Eugene Quinn of the Eldridge crew in captivity at Stalag Luft I
The Stanley Crew–464th Bomb Group tail markings
The Stanley Crew–Cadet Charles Stanley
The Stanley Crew– Lt. Charles Stanley, pilot (commissioning photo)
The Stanley Crew–Lt. Robert Plaisance, original copilot
The Stanley Crew–Lt. Edward Seaver, bombardier
The Stanley Crew–Sgt. Albert Buchholz, flight engineer
The Stanley Crew–Sgt. Sam Spomer, tail gunner
The Stanley Crew Enlisted Men–Claude Tweedale, Al Buchholz, Darrell Kiger, Forrest Smalley, Peter Homel
The Stanley crew: The Fertile Turtle (aka Yellow Victor) in color
The Stanley Crew–The Fertile Turtle during October 12 mission
The Stanley crew in Romania. Top row: Claude Tweedale, Herr Schmidt, Peter Homel, Sam Spomer, George Jeaflea (host), Albert Buchholz, Darrell Kiger, local man, Forrest Smalley, local man. Lower row: Ed Seaver, Bob Plaisance, Leo Cone, Charles Stanley
The Stanley Crew–Mary Alice Schmitz, Stanley’s fiance
The Stanley Crew–The 464th Bomb Group in flight, December 2, 1944
The Stanley crew–Stanley after return from combat
The Stanley crew–Stanley-Schmitz wedding photo with the parachute wedding dress
The Stanley Crew-Newspaper clipping of the parachute wedding dress
The Stewart Crew–485th Bomb Group Emblem
The Stewart Crew–Lt. Charles Prescott Stewart Jr., pilot
The Stewart Crew–Lt. Harry Carter, navigator
The Stewart Crew–Sgt. John Elmore, flight engineer
The Stewart Crew–Sgt. Claud Martin, radio operator/gunner
The Stewart crew–Sgt. Joe Sedlak, upper turret gunner
The Stewart Crew–Sgt. Powell Robinson Jr., ball turret gunner
The Stewart Crew–enlisted men: Joe Sedlak, John Elmore, Dick Heim, Powell Robinson, Claud Martin, and George Schiazza
The Stewart Crew–Lt. Stewart recovers from his wounds
The Wolff Crew–454th Bomb Group, 737th Squadron emblem
The Wolff Crew–photo of original crew
The Wolff Crew–Lt. Robert Kidder, copilot
The Wolff Crew–Lt. Thomas Stack, navigator
The Wolff Crew–Sgt. Henry Rinna, Radio Operator
The Wolff Crew–the Rinna brothers: Herman, Tony, and Henry
The Wolff Crew–flak field
Yugoslavia–Pre-War Prijedor
Yugoslavia–Pre-War Sanski Most
Yuguslavia–Pre-war Split
Yugoslavia–Pre-War Split 2
Yugoslavia–General Draza Mihailovic, leader of the Chetniks
Yugoslavia–Marshal Josep Broz Tito, leader of the Partisans
Yugoslavia–Tito with staff at his cave in Drvar
Yugoslavia–The German Knight’s Move raid on Tito’s Drvar Headquarters
Yugoslavia–The C-47 Skytrain, the workhorse of the skies
Yugoslavia–1000 Kuna note, the wartime currency in Sanski Most
Yugoslavia–A typical C-47 supply drop to the Partisans
Yugoslavia–Unloading a jeep, as was done during the Sanski Most rescue
Yugoslavia–wartime Livno
Yugoslavia–A typical narrow gauge engine on the Steinbeisbahn railway
The Potoci rail station before the war
Yugoslavia–Sanski Most today
Lt. Lawrence Zellman, the last US flier who returned from Chetnik control during the war